Welcome to the museum of masters track!
Masters track and field has a rich history, and this site is dedicated to preserving it. Literally thousands of pages of material can be found here, including virtually all world and American championship meet results. They are collected all in one place for the first time as a tribute to the athletes, officials and masters leaders who made it possible. This site will grow. So have patience as we build the online masters museum first envisioned by Andy Hecker. Enjoy! And let us know what you think.
Featured now: WAVA newsletters 1 through 7

Between May 1980 and April 1982, WAVA President Don Farquharson of Ontario, Canada, produced seven WAVA newsletters following the demise of Veteris magazine. They ran up to 72 pages, contained results from around the world, seasonal lists and photos-- as well as news clips, photos and athlete musings. Alas, circulation was under 400 and it folded after two years. Ed Whitlock (pictured center left racing Hal Higdon in issue No. 2) lent these seven issues. We are deeply grateful!
Special thanks to David Pain and Randy Sturgeon
USA masters founder and pioneering meet director David Pain and National Masters News Publisher Randy Sturgeon have provided immense help with this archive site. David's contributions include his vast memorabilia and United States Masters International Track Team newsletters from the 1970s and 1980s, and Randy has shared many results from back copies of his monthly newspaper. Both were instrumental in creation of this site, and the committee salutes them for their assistance in helping bring together extremely valuable documents and data.
Invitation to share materials for archive
Anyone with masters track and field material that might be appropriate for this archive may contact any of the committee members or write Jeff Davison at P.O. Box 8031, Laguna Hills, CA 92654, or email him at jad-calif@cox.net
How you can support our mission
Financial and other support for this site comes from the USATF Masters Track and Field Committee and USATF members. Donations to this archive and tax-deductible financial contributions (with checks made out to "USATF") are welcome.